Moms have all sorts of hacks and ways of doing things, but let’s be honest, we can’t pass up a cool baby gadget to make our lives easier!

Here are some of my must have cool baby gadgets for moms. Also make sure and check out my mom hacks to save your sanity!
*Links may contain affiliate links, meaning if you make a purchase via the link I may receive a small commission at no additional cost to you!*

Noggle AC Tube
No rear AC in your car, get one of these Noggle AC tubes to bring cold air to the rear facing car seats in the summertime. It works like a charm! It blasts that nice cool air in the backseat for your rear facing kiddo!
Only negative thing for me was that it does get in the way up in the front if you have a smaller car.
But it’s worth it to have that cool air on 100+ degree days in the California Summers. Purchase here.
Full in depth review here:

Pouch Holder
Tired of kiddos squeezing juice or food pouches everywhere?! Use this flipping holder for little hands to grab without making a mess. It works great! You place the juice box or food pouch inside the holder and they can eat/drink without squeezing the product everywhere and making more of a mess for you! Purchase here.
Baby Mirror Clip
Use a baby mirror clip to the car visor to easily see your front facing toddler without having to turn around to “look at me mommy”.
My toddler would always want me to look at something in the car but once she became forward facing it was harder (and less safe) for me to turn around and check on her.
So I used this baby mirror clip that does on the rear view mirror and positioned it on my visor so I could see my toddler in that mirror all while still being able to see the baby in the traditional way using the rear view mirror!
Win-win! Purchase here.

Snack Tray
Use a travel tray like this one to give some extra space in your stroller cup holder for mom snacks. Read my full review here.
So there ya have it! 4 unique cool baby gadgets that will make your life a little easier!!
[…] also thought this was going to get in the way of handing my kids items or block the air vents (my car doesn’t have back vents), but it […]