Everyone could benefit from some tips on how to keep your car clean, especially if you have kids! Before kids, our cars used to be tidy, always clean, and a joy to ride around in. After kids, our cars have become toy boxes, dirty, food stained, and stressful. In order to help combat that anxiety and messiness, I’ve composed some of my favorite organizing car hacks to help keep your car clean even with kids!

When I got my first BRAND NEW car, I made a vow to myself to always keep it clean and organized.
I even had a no food in the car rule! (Clearly this was before kids!) I wanted to keep my car clean, organized, and a joyful place to be when driving.
My husband still jokes to this day about how much my car habits have changed since having kids.
Although I will say in my defense, I lasted a good while after having our first daughter keeping the car clean and the “no snack” rule going strong!
But then my baby became a toddler and to keep my sanity I slowly let snacks inside my sanctuary. I let small non-messy snacks at first and then I got pregnant with our second and all that went out the window.
It became survival mode at that point. Whatever snacks, drinks, toys, etc just to make the car rides more pleasant.
One toy became two, one snack became three, and so on. I’m sure you’re in the same spot, hence why you clicked to read all about my car hacks for kids!
Anyways, long story short, my car is now a disaster zone.
My seats are stained, there is trash everywhere, toys piled up, spare clothes, jackets, blankets flying around, etc.
It’s all bad you guys! And don’t get me wrong, I have tried buying all sorts of car organizers on amazon.
I’ve tried bins and hooks and everything in between to keep the chaos in my car at a minimum.
Some worked, others did not.
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So I started thinking outside of the box and now with some of my own hacks and some I’ve seen scattered around Pinterest my car is on its way to STAYING organized and clean even with a preschooler and now toddler in tow!
HACK #1: Utilize the built-in storage your car offers first!
Now I used to never put anything in the pockets behind the front seats, if I did it was small papers or Chapstick or something.
Then I had kids and now I use this space for books!
Books don’t bulge out and take up more space, plus the books wont get ruined if they are nicely placed in the back pockets as opposed to flowing around the car loosely.
HACK #2: Take out the unnecessary items.
You do not need 5 blankets, 4 pairs of shoes, a whole ream of diapers (unless you possibly have a newborn and drive a lot), 4 pairs of sunglasses, etc.
You get the point. Take out the unneeded or unnecessary items.
Now I’m not saying don’t be prepared but for 2 kids, you don’t need 5 blankets. One blanket per kid.
You also don’t need 15 books. Pick their favorite 3-4 books to keep on deck.
You can also keep one change of clothes per child in case of wet park play dates or accidents in the trunk (which I will talk about later).
Point being, you don’t need to try and stuff a mini-house inside your car.
HACK #3: Pack a “ouch pouch”
Put this inside the center console, glove box, or trunk for emergency situations or owies instead of packing everything separately.
An ouch pouch, like shown here, are a few necessity items to hold over until you get home.
I make these personalized black or canvas bags for purchase here.

HACK #4: Place your stroller upright
Use a bungee cord to utilize trunk space. I talk more about this hack in my 5 Parenting Hack Post here you can check out the specifics.
HACK #5: Invest in All-Weather floor mats.
Trust me these will save your floors! I love mine, it catches all the wetness, dirt, crumbs, etc.
And they can be easily taken out and hosed out or just shaken to get rid of the dirt and grime!
HACK #6: Portable rear AC for the kiddos in the back.
Now most cars come with rear AC, but mine does not! And summers here in California can reach over 100 degrees!
Now this really only is crucial if you have rear-facing carseats because they cannot feel the AC. This gadget solves that problem!
Read here for my other review on the Noggle AC Hose!

HACK #7: Get a trunk bin.
This is the place where you store those extra blankets, water bottles, diapers, wipes, shoes, jackets, etc. that you may need. Get one bin and put everything in there so its not all floating around the car.
HACK #8: Use sunglass holder section in the car to store smaller items
Such as hair ties, chapstick, garage opener, clips, and any other smaller items you want within reach!
I use mine to store chapstick and hair ties because I never actually store my sunglasses in there, I throw them in a case in my purse so I always have them with me.
So this hack was perfect!

HACK #9: Toy Bin.
Take an old bin or go buy a cute new one like this one, and store all your kids toys and trinkets in one bin within easy reach so you can keep your eyes on the road and they can grab whichever toy they desire.

HACK #10: Make DIY car smell pods.
Instead of wasting money constantly purchasing those chemically filled car scent hangers, make your own!
You can use a cotton ball or pad and place a few drops of essential oils, I use the Young Living brand (click here if you want to join the oil team too) and I just place cotton pads by the carseats and in the air vent or dash and it deodorizes and gives my car a fresh clean scent.
Plus I can switch up the scents whenever I want by doing it myself!
HACK #11: Keep cleaning supplies in the car!
For a quick clean up, place sanitizer wipes, baby wipes, or a vent duster like shown below in the center console, glove box, or under the seat for a quick spill clean up or to wipe dust off the dash.
That way you wont have to put it off until you get home (and then most likely forget).

HACK #12: Place silicone cupcake liners into the cup holders
To help keep the cupholders clean and sticky free! Plus then if they do get messy or wet you can easily take them out and wash them off!
HACK #13: Use gum or mint container to store hidden change.
This helps keep all the change in one place instead of rolling around everywhere in the car. Plus its not out in the open, its hidden so your car wont get broken into as well.
HACK #14: Add towels under the carseats to help protect your seats.
Now most companies sell carseat protectors especially made for carseats, but I have found that sometimes the carseat doesn’t get a good solid grip onto the protector and makes the carseat less safe.
If you need or want to keep your seats protected, try a towel to help the carseat grip to the seat and not slide around while also protecting your seats from stains and wear and tear.
HACK #15: Add hooks to the headrests
To hang up your purse, groceries, diaper bag, etc. This keeps items off the floor and gives you more room to store other items if needed.
There you have it! My 15 car hacks to help keep your car clean and organized! Hopefully these tips help you and let me know which are your favorites you cant wait to test out!

[…] hacks gave you some ideas or new products to save you time and energy with car cleaning! For other car hacks, read here on my must-haves for inside the […]