Life can get rough, especially with kids. That’s why everyone needs these life hacks for moms to simplify your life when it gets crazy sometimes!

Some life hacks for moms you may have seen before and some might just make you face palm and think “DUH!”.
In this previous life hacks for moms post, read it here, I shared some mom hacks to make life easier. Well I’ve struck again and here are 5 MORE hacks:
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Make more trunk space in your car by bungee cording your stroller upright!
I have a smaller SUV (a Nissan Rogue to be exact) and trunk space is on the smaller side.
Especially with a stroller and bin full of extra items such as diapers, wipes, change of clothes and snacks. So when I go grocery shopping or need to haul some stuff, my trunk space was always limited.
I was constantly throwing bags on top of my stroller which led to bags tipping over and my Britax B-Agile stroller getting all dirty and gross.
If this sounds like you, then try what I did! I used a bungee cord to get my stroller to sit upright and stay put!
Viola!! More trunk space for grocery and bags!
Use Grocery Bag to Line Your Juicer
This hack is specifically if you love to juice!
I recently fell in love with juicing and being able to create my own was fun! I use this Breville juicer, and it can be a pain to clean out the rines of all the fruits and veggies!
It would make me so irritated I would stop juicing after a few days because let’s be real, cleaning chunks of food out of a bucket is just not fun.
So instead of losing my mind every time and rethinking if I really wanted to juice that day, I decided to line the rine bin with a grocery bag!
I use a target or grocery bag inside the bucket to catch the rines and leftover food parts so afterwards I can just throw the bag away and BAM, clean time cut down!
Line Your Portable Potty with Bags
Speaking of using bags to make cleaning up easier; if you have a potty training kiddo or you go someplace that you know doesn’t have bathrooms (like some parks or even long road trips) use a portable training potty (like this one we use) in the back of your car.
This way you always have a potty for the kids. But sometimes cleaning that thing out can be a pain! Especially if you are on a road trip and there are no bathrooms!
While yes, pee is more acceptable to just sort of throw out on the side of the road, poop is a different story.
Yes you can justify that it’ll degrade or what-have-you but let’s face it, it’s gross.
So to solve this gross issue, use some doggy bags or grocery bags to line the potty if your kiddo has to poop. That way afterwards you can tie it up and throw it away in a garbage!
Makes cleanup easier and if you get the doggy bags that have odor eliminators, you won’t even have to smell it until you’re able to find a trash can!
Use Old Pillowcase to Clean Ceiling Fans
We’ve all been there, you turn the fan off in the winter and look up and think “oh gross! Look at all that dust!”.
It’s disturbing how much dusts collects up there on that spinning fan but it does. And cleaning it can be a pain!
Either the vacuum doesn’t get it all or you have to buy some fancy attachment. Or you try and dust it off and it ends up falling all over the bed or floor.
Makes for more cleaning and no one wants that! So to solve this issue, take an old pillowcase and place the opening over the fan blade and wipe!
All the dust will fall into the pillowcase and when you’re done you can shake it off outside and wash it!
Makes for easy fan cleaning without dust falling onto your bed or other furniture!
Use Cupcake Liner for Popsicles
Who doesn’t love a good Popsicle? Kids sure love them, but man can they get messy.
Especially on hot days and kids ever seem to eat them quick enough which leads to a sticky mess all over their hands and dripping all over the floor/shoes.
Well use this hack and save yourself some cleaning time. Take a cupcake liner and stick the popsicle inside like shown.
Viola! A drip tray for your popsicles.

I hope these hacks save you some time and energy! Parenthood is hard enough as it is so let’s help each other out with hacks and tips to survive! We gotta stick together!
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