While we all want to avoid stay-at-home mom burnout, sometimes we need help with that! Don’t fret, I’m here to give you some top products to give you a boost of energy and avoid the stay at home mom burnout!

You are feeling it huh mamas? The long days, sleepless nights, just wishing for an ounce of the energy your kids seem to have in abundance. I see you, I hear you, I’m right there with you!
Raising tiny versions of yourself can be just exasperating at times, especially trying to keep up with them. Whether they are newborns only sleeping in chunks of time, or if they are toddlers running and bouncing off the walls; its just a different type of tired but we’re all in the trenches.
Look no further though because I’m here to share my tips on how I (attempt) to keep up with my toddler and preschooler and avoid the stay at home mom burnout.
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Coffee, Coffee and more….Coffee
You guessed it, coffee or some type of caffeine will definitely give you that boost of energy to wake up and be ready to tackle the day.
And if you’re like me, you sip on that one cup usually all morning because well,…mom life.
This is why I always just drink my coffee iced so there is no reheating of coffee involved. If you’re like me and love iced coffee but hate waiting for it to brew and then cool off in the fridge or freezer (because lets face it, you probably forget about it), then you need this item in your life ASAP!
Its called, The Hyperchiller. I have a full review of this item and how to use it linked here. But basically it makes your freshly brewed hot coffee, cooled in seconds.
I swear by this gadget.
Now you may already be taking some multivitamins or supplements daily, I personally take SmartyPants vitamins (video review linked here).
But usually these don’t give me any sort of energy boost, but I found these Goli Gummy’s and they have B9 which gives boost of energy!
So I take these apple cinder vinegar gummies every afternoon when I need a little pick-me-up but not feeling more coffee.
Plus they don’t give you that crash like other energy drinks sometimes do.
Read more in depth review of the Goli Gummy, linked here and even watch my first reaction tasting video with my husband linked here.

Dance Party
Get up. That’s it. Just get up and dance. Put on some good dancing music and have a little dance party with your kids!
Trust me, they will love it too and it will burn their energy as well, while giving you a little boost.
We usually just tell our Alexa to play a certain song the kids love or genre of music we are feeling. If you sit on the couch or anywhere all day long or for a long period of time, you will start to feel sluggish and tired.
If you get up and get moving however, you will find that you actually feel more motivated and less sluggish.
Speed Clean
Not sure about you, but anytime I speed clean I get a little more motivated and a bit more pep in my step. Plus its productive because you get some of the house picked up and cleaned.
Set a timer for 15-30 minutes (or however much time you have to spare/give), pick a room or area to clean and GO AT IT MAMA!
Speed clean that area, maybe even with some feel good energizing music blasting to push you through! I promise it will boost your mood, plus get your house clean!
If you are lacking on ideas for where to even start, you can download my printable for cleaning one area one day of the week, linked here.

This goes along with my whole, move your body theme I got working here, but the same holds true with exercise.
If you have some weights or video workout program, or maybe your husband turned the garage into a home gym like mine did (insert face palm).
You can exercise or at least move your body. Throw the kids in a stroller (read here about the one I have for both kids) and go for a walk even, or have the family ride bikes together.
This will give you some exercise energy plus fresh air will boost that mood as well, for the whole family.
Hopefully these tips helped you gain some ideas on how to give yourself a little bit of energy when maybe we aren’t getting enough sleep at night because…kids.
Let me know if you tried some of these tips and what worked for you and your family! Leave me a comment or tag me in your photos and stories on Instagram (@mamabearreview).

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