You get invited to a friends or family members baby shower and you have to go shopping for a gift to bring. You check their registry and scroll through the items and think “man I want something unique and useful”. I’ve gathered some of my favorite practical baby shower gifts, besides the ordinary diapers, wipes, and adorable baby outfits.
*Click the title links to take you to my review of each of these items mentioned*
Kids loading zone sign:
This sign comes in handy from day one. The sign alerts other drivers parking their car that you need extra room for your kids or infant seat.
It’s definitely a practical and unique gift that wouldn’t necessarily be on their registry that they could use for years!
Babyganics bottle soap:
This soap is so useful. The foamy soap gives a great clean feeling for bottles, cups, plates, etc. anything your kiddo would eat on or put in their mouth it’s the best baby soap.
It contains no harsh chemicals and a little goes a long way. Here is my full review.
Incredibundles diaper delivery:
This service allows you to choose a monthly subscription amount such as 3 months, 6 months, 12 months etc.
It comes in voucher form and the parent would just create an account and they input the voucher and they are able to choose their favorite brand and size without ever leaving the house.
The service delivers straight to their door and arrives quickly.
Plus the best feature, you don’t have to use the voucher as consecutive months you can get one size one month then wait a few months and get a different size.
Fridababy Nose sucker:
this handy tool is amazing for getting those nasty boogers out of baby’s little nose. It’s cleaner than those bulb nose suckers the hospital gives you.
It is a clear tube so you can see through to make sure it’s 100% clean! Full review here.
Some parents don’t think of this until their little has a cold and then they are frantically ordering one or driving to the nearest target to purchase one.
If you were to purchase this for them it saves a trip and a lot of worry. It comes in handy to put moisture back into the air during dry winter months. Full review here.
Halo sleep sack:
This sleep sack helps settle baby and it acts as a warm hug. It has the ability to have baby’s arms inside or out depending on their preference of sleeping position.
Summer infant placemat:
This mat keeps germs away during eating out.
This is more for when the baby is older and eating out at a restaurant.
You place the mat down and baby can eat off of eat instead of a dirty table plus it makes for easy clean up too!
Full review and other ways to use, click here.
These items are simple, inexpensive, yet practical baby shower gifts that will definitely be useful for parents for years to come!
Comment below if you’ve tried any of these items and what you thought about them! 👇🏻

[…] was actually a baby shower registry gift from my family. I had registered for this one because a friend of mine let me test hers out […]