If you have wide thumbs, also known as “clubbed thumbs” then you may have a hard time finding press on nails for wide thumbs. I know I did, but I found the perfect solution!

If you are anything like myself, then growing up you may have had the worst insecuries about your wide thumbs.
I used to tell people my mom slammed my thumbs in the trunk which is why they looked like that. Ridiculous I know, but kids can be mean!
As a teen wanting to get my nails done for proms and homecomings I also found it hard to go to a salon and get acrylics because I would usually get weird looks from the nail techs and comments about my wide thumbs.
I hated it. And I’m sure you do too right?
I have tried many brands of press on nails for wide thumbs and even trying to grow out my nails and use gel, but I am hard on my nails and the gel would chip or I’d break a nail too quickly.
Plus the tapping of fake nails on things there is just something about it right?
Well after YEARS, and I really do mean YEARS of trying every brand of acrylic and press-on nails on the market and feeling so frustrated, I FINALLY found something that works!
I bought fake toe nails.
And no I did not use them on my feet. I used them for my clubbed thumb.
It seems odd and I ordered these press on nails from amazon and they work perfectly! I also recommend this nail glue because it holds the best. Sometimes the glue that comes with the kits isn’t as strong.
Lots of different sizes to choose from depending how you want it to fit your thumb.
Only down side, they don’t have as many length ranges like the fingernails do, but I like my nails shorter anyways so these worked.
I just used the plain white or clear ones and then painted the color myself. Super easy, especially with this Olive & June nail polish kit (use that link and get 20% off).
So if you have clubbed thumbs, or wide thumbs, then try getting fake toenails to fit the thumbs. You can use regular fingernail tips for the other fingers.
Moral of the story, use fake toe nails for press on nails for wide thumbs.
[…] store brand ones. They also have press-on nails but if you have seen my nail video on Youtube or blog post you may already know my issue with […]