What do you think of when people say “essential oils”? I used to think, “yeah right that doesn’t really work” But let me tell you, as a former skeptic, I was blown away. Here are some essential oil properties.
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Since becoming a firm believer in the power of essential oils, I used to think that stuff is just hippy-dippy and ya right how can oils heal stuff and do all that they claim to do? There are essential oil properties that truly work!
My mom was the one who started this. She would always say “I have an oil for that” and she truly did.
Sore muscles? Oil for that. Tummy issues? Oil for that. Seasonal allergies? Oil for that.
You get my point. No matter what my issue or ailment was her response was always “I have an oil for that”.

And when I actually gave in one day with really bad seasonal allergies and my mom suggested this roller ball concoction of an oil blend she put together which consisted of 5-6 drops of Lavender, Peppermint, & Lemon oils and then the rest of the bottle filled with fractionated coconut oil.
After she gave me this roller ball to roll on my temple, back of my ears and my wrists and I will say, after about 10 minutes I stopped sneezing and my throat stopped itching.
Now I’m not sure why it worked by it did and I wasn’t going to question her methods any longer.
After that I dove deep into researching all about essential oils and what their “magical powers” were.
I found all these sources that explained all the things essential oils help with from seasonal allergies, to sore muscles, to getting rid of spiders in your home, to kids colds and stuffy noses.
You can basically trade in anything you would need some sort of over the counter medicine or cleaning supply or bug killer for essential oils for a more natural remedy.
My mom purchased me the Young Living Essential Oil starter kit so I could test some products out myself, as well as become a distributor.
The starter package is great! It even comes with a diffuser! So I had everything I needed to truly dive into this world of oils.
The kit comes with a booklet of all the oils and what they are best used for, how to use them, which ones are safe to digest, which are safe for baby, etc.
It was great. But how long would I truly stick to this oil nonsense?
The answer. A long while!
I first tried oils about 4 years ago but really dove deep into using them for other things about a year and a half ago, when my daughter was born.
I had just had a baby in February 2018 and about a week or two later, she developed some nasal congestion.
She was too young for medication and it was severe enough to consult a doctor. We tried using the Frida Nosesucker (read about that product here), we tried propping her up in the 4Moms Rocker (read about that here) to sleep so she could breathe easier, we even tried warm baths to loosen the mucus and boogie wipes (read that here) to help clear her nose.
While those products helped the after math of the nasal dripping and short sleep spurts, nothing was stopping this cold.
Until I decided to try diffusing some oils to just help clean the air and hopefully help her breathe. I put R.C and Purification essential oils (which RC helps with congestion and purification is like an air purifier) into the diffuser, just 2-4 drops of each one, to see if this would help.
Within an hour, her nose seemed to stop dripping and she wasn’t as congested! Read more on that story in this post about what I used to stop baby colds.

Now it could be the combination of everything that I was doing that did the trick, but within 3 days of diffusing the oil blends all day long my baby’s nose was all clear and she was cold-symptom free!
Young Living (and many other essential oil companies) even have a kid safe line of oils! Young Livings line is called KidScents and they are so good!
I recently within the last 2 months have been trying 2 of their KidScents oils, Sleepyize & Sniffleease. Sleepyize is a blend that is relaxing and calming.
I diffuse this in their room at nighttime to help them relax and calm their energies before bed. Sniffleease is the other blend I use for when they have a runny or congested nose or when I think they are getting sick.
I diffuse that during nap time and bedtime to help their little noses!

Another story for you in case you are still not sold on the whole essential oils “magic”, I was visiting my mom in Texas, so of course we had massive amounts of BBQ and amazingly delicious food.
Of course after a few days of this, my stomach was in pain. I had the worst cramping bloated stomach ache from just all the greasy, yet delicious, BBQ and sides we had consumed the past few days.
I had been complaining about it for about an hour when my mom says her famous words, “I have an oil for that. It will help with the bloat and help clear your digestive track”.
Ya right, okay mom you hippy I doubt rubbing an oil on my stomach or having a few drops put under my tongue will really help my stomach issues.
Those were my thoughts as she is going on about this oil called, DiGize.
Anyways I decided to humor her and try this oil that is supposed to heal my stomach pain.
I placed a few drops under my tongue and had a few sips of water afterward because the taste was gross.
Anyways, I also placed a few drops on my stomach and rubbed it in just for a double whammy.
About 10-15 minutes later, after we had all just been chit chatting away my mom asks me how my stomach was feeling. I had actually forgotten all about it!
The pain was gone and I was shocked. My mom of course smiled this “told you so” smile as I was going on about how I couldn’t believe this worked and how did it work, etc.

Now I don’t know the “magic” behind these oils, but there is a ton of research out there that support the claims that people, like myself, are making that essential oils work.
Still don’t believe me? Why would you, but if you are still a skeptic like I was at first, try them out!
Here is a link to purchase your own beginner kit from Young Living for $165, which gives you a diffuser, booklets, 12 essential oils/blends, as well as their samples of some of the natural cleaning products.
So you can test it out yourself and then tell everyone you know or even people you don’t know, much like I am doing now, that essential oils are “magic”.

[…] you are not a candle type of person, you can opt for essential oils […]