What to buy a one year old? These are some unique gifts for toddlers.
What is hard is that first birthday! By the first birthday the parents usually have every necessity item they could ever want and the baby usually has plenty of adorable outfits as well! Here are some unique gifts for toddlers.
For some other ideas for different gift guides, click here.
So what do you get? Here’s my list of a few items to purchase for a one year old that isn’t clothes:
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Membership to their local zoo or children’s museum.
Moms love having free things to do with their little ones, especially ones that get them out of the house and possibly have some hands on learning involved as well!
Educational toys,
Not just ones that light up and make obnoxious noises.
Granted the baby will LOVE that, but you might have just lost yourself a friend in the process (kidding…maybe).
Chances are by now that kiddo has a million toys that light up and/or make noise that sometimes the batteries just happen to “die” or need “recharging”.
So save yourself (and your friendship) and get some toys that teach counting or numbers such as this Elmo alphabet briefcase.
Mommy (or parent) & Me lessons.
This gives something for mama (or caregiver) to do with the baby to bond and get out of the house.
Gives mama a mom-friendly zone to meet other mom parents (if she hasn’t already) and some socialization for baby!
Search their local area to see if somewhere offers swim lessons or gymnastics for babies.
Outside toys/water play table:
Kids love getting into things. So why not get them something that is actually okay for them to get messy with.
An outdoor water table like this one, or you could make a DIY sand box like this one I made for my toddler.
Allowing mom to take baby outside to play can be very stimulating for baby and its something they will enjoy!
Toys they can build or place into designated spots:
This toy can provide baby a way to use their hands to build and stack items like these Mega Blocks.
You could also get toys that have baby place blocks or other items into specific shape spots or places.
This helps baby learn proper placement and helps with hand-eye coordination.
Books or Puzzles:
kids love books, they love when people read to them (especially if you do special voices).
Puzzles are also great for hand-eye coordination and also to have a quiet activity to do that is calming and not loud
(Don’t forget to get the bigger piece puzzles that have thick wood so baby won’t ruin them if they are still chewing/teething on things).
Parents will thank you too!
Hope this helps inspire some gift ideas the next time you are invited to a one year old’s birthday bash!

[…] if you need age specific ideas, check out my previous blog about gift ideas for a one-year-old here. Hopefully now you have an idea. Look around for local memberships in your area or classes you […]