Making friends can be daunting at any age, but making mom friends can be even more challenging. There are so many different parenting styles and people’s personalities to jive with that it can be hard, especially with how motherhood can be very isolating at times. This is why I am here to help with tips on how to make mom friends.

Maybe growing up you were told to just “be yourself” to make friends. But maybe as you became a mother and got wrapped up in motherhood, you sort of forgot who you are?
You are not alone. We have all been there.
Motherhood can be the most beautiful part of your life, but that doesn’t mean it has to be your entire identity.
I remember feeling so alone and isolated in my new motherhood journey that I did not know how to make mom friends.
Maybe you too are terrified of putting yourself out there. It is hard, I get it.
In a sense, it is a lot like dating to be honest.
You have to find your “people”, the ones who “get you” and who have similar personalities or at least don’t judge you. That is hard.
Thankfully I have tips on how to make mom friends to hopefully make it a little less daunting.
Tip #1: Join a Group
Whether that is a mommy & me group at your local park or even talking walks around the neighborhood and greeting other moms walking their kids. You have to put yourself out there.
Tip #2: Enroll in a baby class
I don’t mean a lamaze type class. I mean a baby and me class that has you doing activities with your baby where you can meet other mamas too. For example, google local baby swim classes. Chances are there are some baby and me swim groups you could sign up. Or baby and me yoga classes if that is more your style. There are so many mommy & me groups out there now. Join one.
Tip #3: download the Peanut App
The Peanut app is basically Tinder for parents. It sounds odd and a bit creepy but trust me it is a great way to find local moms (or dads) to meet up with maybe at a park or for a stroller walk around the area to get to know some people. People make profiles just like on those dating apps, so you can get a sense of their personalties and whatnot before “matching up” and getting together.
This app is great for those mamas who maybe don’t have the money to spend on joining a group class or maybe are not as outgoing to just say Hi to moms walking around the block.

I promise you it will get easier, the first step is getting out of your own head and just getting out there (or downloading the app then getting out there).
And once you find your group, people who you jive with, motherhood becomes less isolating.
The easiest part is when your kids get a bit older and join sports or school and then parent friends just sort of happen because you become friends with your kids friends parents or vis versa.
It really does get easier, I know if you are reading this in the thick of isolating motherhood, then you may not think so, but try one of those three tips on how to make mom friends and see where it takes you. You may just find your lifelong motherhood friends.
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