“How do you stay motivated” is a question I get frequently, but there is not some one word answer to keep yourself motivated. But I will share some tips and tricks on how to motivate yourself everyday.

How to motivate yourself everyday is something that comes with practice and consistency.
And it will not be something that comes easily. Sure the first few days when you are eager to start fresh and create great habits, it is easy.
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It is easy because you are excited about the change and possibilities. This usually happens around the New Year.
It can also happen on Mondays as well. But in all reality, every day is a new day to start fresh.
But without motivation you won’t make it far on your list of goals you want to accomplish throughout the years.
Staying motivated is something everyone struggles with, even the most dedicated of people. So do not be so hard on yourself when you lose some motivation to accomplish those goals you set for yourself.

Give yourself some grace, but not too much or else that motivation you desire will get further away.
How to motivate yourself can come easily with some tips to keep yourself motivated through things you enjoy.
Find Your Why
Finding the why is so important to keep motivated through the days and weeks.
Write it down, put it somewhere you can see it every day! Find the reason you want to accomplish whatever goal you need motivation for.
Whether it is to get toned and shredded in the gym, or to eat healthier, or to gain more tracking on that side hustle you’ve wanted to start.
Finding the why is the first step on how to motivate yourself everyday.

Make a Plan
Making a plan to accomplish those goals is the next big step.
Write out the steps to move forward with that dream goal you have.
For example, if your goal is to get shredded, then map out a workout plan for yourself. If you goal is to eat healthier, map out some meal plans that are healthy and easy for you to stick to.
Setting up a plan on how to accomplish the goals will keep you motivated as well.
Read Quotes
This may seem silly and juvenile, but hop on Pinterest or Google and read some inspirational and motivational quotes when you feel yourself falling off track.
Save these quotes, post them on Instagram or Facebook and remind yourself of your why.
Going backwards won’t accomplish your goals, only moving forward will. Even if they are small steps, just make sure they are forward moving.
Get a Hype Person or Group
Ask someone to be your hype person, or someone with similar goals to bounce ideas off of and go through it with.
This way when one of you feels unmotivated, the other can help boost you up and be your hype person.
My sister-in-law and I do this for each other. As well as my husband is my motivational person with my health and fitness goals.
So I have someone on both ends of the goals I want to accomplish (sister in law on the work and business side of goals and my husband on my health and fitness side).
This ensures that if I start feeling unmotivated, I can reach out and they will help motivate me again. Usually just be talking things through with each of them and they will remind me of my dream goals.
If you don’t have anyone specifically in your corner, there are plenty of facebook or Instagram groups to join to gain that support to help you stay motivated.
Personally I also love watching YouTube videos to stay motivated as well. There are plenty of ways to utilize social media to help you with motivation too!

Step Back & Assess
Sometimes you just need to take a break and that is okay. Take a step back, assess the situation and find out what is working and what is not.
But do not let your step-back be your set-back.
Don’t let a short break assessment turn into a loss of motivation because that just means you will have to start over.
Assessing what is working and what isn’t can help you keep motivation and stamina to achieve those big dream goals of yours.
Change It Up
Making small adjustments to the plan can also give you a boost of motivation.
Even changing up by adding another goal or dream can also help boost your motivation and give you that extra bump to get it done!
Or change up something that you are currently doing to make the routine more enjoyable so you ensure that you want to get it done and accomplished.
Make it Excuse Proof
Try and make a plan that is excuse proof. Don’t give yourself the opportunity to make an excuse for why you “can’t” get it done.
Whether that is setting an alarm to get up early to workout before you get your day started, or meal prepping your food in containers so you just grab and go. These are excuse proof ways to get the job done.

How to motivate yourself everyday can be a big challenge especially if you aren’t sure where to start, but just follow these steps and know that if it is okay to have to restart if needed. Just make sure you are moving forward to achieve those goals.
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