Getting baby to walk is a something every parent is eager to get their child to do, until they actually do it! This is why you need to read the Joovy spoon walker reviews.
As parents, we want our kiddos to hit every milestone with flying colors. We buy all the “tools” and baby gear items to help speed the process along, myself included. Which leads me to this Joovy Spoon walker reviews.
My sister-in-law and her boyfriend were searching for a gift to give my youngest daughter. They knew they wanted to buy me a walker because I didn’t have one (we gave away the one I had for my oldest, but that one was a handmedown anyways).
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After researching ones that had the best online reviews, yet was safe enough and sturdy for my baby girl, they bought the Joovy.

They decided on the Joovy baby walker for $80 on amazon and two days later it was at my doorstep.
I opened this huge box and was slightly concerned at the size. Come to find out packaging companies like to overly box some items (I mainly think to scare the crap out of parents).
Anyways, it was super easy to assemble I didn’t even need instructions. Don’t worry, instructions are included just in case.
The wheels snapped on and the seat popped in and it was set to go! Once I got it all assembled I was eager to put baby girl inside and test drive it!

Now I will say, try and eye ball the right height you think your baby will be. I say this because it is a pain in the booty to try and adjust while the baby is in it.
I tried doing it myself and it almost led to a smashed baby leg disaster!
Thankfully my husband was home and I had him pull up on the seat, while I held the baby up in it.

You have to twist this red knob while sliding the upper seat part at the height you want so this can be tricky with baby already inside.
For safety reasons, I’d suggest having two people for this part!
Besides that almost malfunction, we got the height adjusted and off she went!
Backwards at first, but a couple days later and she’s scooting all around!

The walker is pretty big. The dimensions are wide (18 X 25.5 X 27.25) and we live in a small house so it does seem to take up a lot of room.
But personally, I would rather have a wider walker so baby can’t grab onto things they aren’t supposed to! For safety reasons, I’d rather have a wider walker that little ones cant reach over the sides or tray and grab stuff.

The Joovy does come with a pretty wide tray and cover to put toys and snacks on to entertain baby!
And the best part, the tray cover snaps off and is easily washable without having to disassemble the whole thing!

Overall, I am happy my family chose this one to gift me and my baby girl loves gliding around in this!
This walker will also last awhile; according to the company’s website, the walker is ideal up to 30 lbs and 33.5 inches tall.
- easy to assemble
- tray cover comes off so it’s easy to clean
- sleek design
- different color seat options to suit your style
- Wide dimensions for safety
- adjustable height for growing baby (3 different positions)
- easy for baby to glide around
- seat easy to pop off and clean (machine washable)
- high back support on seat
- folds flat to save space when not in use
- wide demesions could be bad if you are lacking space
- does not come with toys/entertainment

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