These situations are the worst. Bad parking jobs are the thing that make us moms crazy.

Have you ever parked your car way out in the back, away from every other car only to have some jerk park RIGHT NEXT TO YOU??
And not even next to you in their own spot but they park right on the line so they are basically in your spot??
Now you have the impossible task of trying to squeeze into your car.
Plus if you have a car seat or even a toddler with you, good luck with that!
I have had this happen way to many times. I end up having to go around to the other side of the car and try to load the car seat and my toddler into that side which just causes tears and yelling (mostly from me).
Recently I found this AMAZING simple product that has been a life saver!!!
I was scrolling through Instagram one day and came across this page, kidsloadingzone, and they make signs that attach to your door to alert drivers not to park too close to your car because you have kids.
Now that could be taken one of two ways for the other driver. One being- hey I need this space to load my car seats so please be courteous or two being- I will smack your car with my door if you park too damn close so be warned. I prefer the later. 🙂

I reached out to the company telling them what an amazing concept/idea and I would love to test this product out. They were gracious enough to send me a product free of cost.
This product simply attaches to your car with a removable magnetic strip that won’t ruin the paint job. Then the sign just slides right in when you need to use it.
Simple and quick! Perfect for anyone who needs some extra space to load/unload.

Since using this product I haven’t had a problem with bad parking jobs and jerks parking too close to me. Probably because their scared of getting THEIR door smacked but hey whatever works.
They even have magnets you can attach to your car if you don’t want to worry about a sign every time you park.
I would just place the magnet on whichever side you need the extra space for a car seat or wiggly toddler.

- Simple to set up and use
- Won’t damage your car
- Comes in different colors/designs
- Alerts drivers to leave room for you
- Ships anywhere in USA & Canada
- cost is $15 for the sign and $5 for magnet
- Doesn’t have the wording on both sides of the signs so it cannot be swapped on either side of the door, you have to specify which side you need during purchasing (not a deal breaker for me though)
Overall I highly recommend this simple product. It would make for a great baby shower gift that is different than the typical blanket and diapers.
Where do I buy this product? Love it!
The link to purchase should be in the post. If it’s not working, head to