Categories: Hacks & Tips

Labor Tips for First Time Moms

Thinking about labor can be exciting and scary at the same time! You may feel like you have no clue what to expect and that can be the scariest part. Here are some labor tips for first time moms.

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Are you feeling a bit overwhelmed at all the advice out there? Other moms telling you their labor horror stories and all the scary things that happened to them. Labor tips for first time moms shouldn’t be scary.

Yes, every birth story is different. I had completely different experiences with each of my girls.

But the advice I got with my first sort of terrified me for my labor which gave me some anxiety and stress surrounding the idea of labor.

With my second, I knew what to expect and what was going to happen so I was more relaxed and ended up having a much faster and easier labor the second time around.

Without going on further, here are my labor tips for first time moms.

Take a Class

Whether offered by your hospital or from a separate event nearby, I highly suggest taking a class so you have an idea of what to prepare for in the medical sense.

They will give you and your partner tips on how to help you labor naturally too if you chose to do so.

They gave my husband tips on where to put pressure on my hips and back which helped so much in that last trimester when my hips were painful.

Tour the Hospital

If you are able to I would suggest touring the hospital you are going to give birth in.

Some hospitals have maternity tours which allows expectant mothers (and fathers) to tour the maternity wing and lets you see one of the delivery rooms.

This helped me a ton with my anxiety and picturing the birth I wanted because I was able to actually picture the room.

Envision Your Birth

Most first time moms do this naturally anyways. You envision the whole labor process and how you think it might go.

Picturing this will be easier if you did the previous step but even if not, you can picture yourself breathing, pushing, staying calm etc. Imagining the birth process could help you remain calm during the actual event.

Staying Calm

Practice breathing techniques and possibly even taking up meditation during pregnancy might help you remain calm leading up the labor.

Practicing breathing will also help during labor to relax your muscles and make delivery (hopefully) less painful and stressful.

Stay Active

Staying active for as long as possible leading up to labor will help your flexibility and might lessen the chances of any tearing.

Walking will help reduce the weight gain towards the end too and keep your body agile and reduce swelling from just sitting around.

This is obviously only if your doctor okays walking. Some people end up on bed rest towards the end if there are any issues and you should listen to your doctor.

Stretching is also another way to stay active. Keeping those muscles loose and flexible will help during the delivery process as well.

Kegel exercises are helpful to your pelvic floor which will undergo some major stress as labor happens.

Understand the Process

Watching other videos on YouTube about birthing experiences can give you an idea of what might happen.

But don’t let it freak you out because every birthing experience is different.

I watched a few easy birthing experiences and it helped me get a different perspective especially on the after-birth and healing part.

Calming Environment

If possible, limit the number of people you have in your room. Only allow people who will help keep you calm and support you during labor.

Most hospitals will kick everyone else out of the room except your birthing team anyways during labor, but if someone is refusing to leave, let the hospital staff be the heavy and tell them to get out.

You want a calm environment for you and baby during labor. If possible, ask your labor and delivery nurses and doctor if you could lower the lights during labor to help with creating a calming environment.

You could even have soft and calming music playing if that helps you remain calm and give yourself a relaxing environment to keep you calm during labor.

Take Photos and/or Video

Most hospitals will allow you to record a video from the waist up to capture those first moments of birth and even labor, as long as you don’t show the actual process.

Ask ahead of time if you can record or photograph the process. Most hospitals will allow it.

This way you can always look back and remember that experience. You think you will be able to remember every detail, but I’m telling you, you wont.

You will remember seeing your baby for the first time, sure, but you won’t remember the whole process chances are. So ask if you can record it or at the very least take photos.

Enjoy the Moment

This may sound silly and not possible but try and just enjoy the moment and be present in the moment.

Every experience is different and you won’t want to miss out on this incredible experience. So put social media away and enjoy the birth of your little miracle.

Take the Epidural

This is a completely personal choice and I’m not here to sway you one way or the other. It is a personal decision and one only you should make.

I will say, having my first birthing experience have the epidural not completely work all the way and I felt all the back labor and pain, I was not able to fully enjoy the experience like I did with my second birth.

My second birth the epidural worked fully and I was able to have a smoother and more relaxing experience. I was able to relax, rest and push without feeling stressed and in pain and was able to push her out quicker because my body was relaxed.

But once again, this is a personal choice but I usually tell everyone who asks, get the epidural because it made my birthing experience so much better the second time around.

You May Tear

My labor with my first born I tore. I had to get stitches so just be prepared that this is a possibility.

If you had the epidural then you won’t feel this and chances are even if you don’t have it, you would be in such blissful heaven that you won’t even notice.

You are holding your baby and basking in the glory that you just brought into this world so chances are if they need to stitch you up, you won’t feel it anyways.

The after-birth healing process however will be a bit more painful. For more on what you will need after birth, read here. This FridaMom kit will save your mom parts.

Bring Carseat to Hospital

This is not necessarily labor tip related, but make sure and bring your car seat to the hospital because they will not let you leave without proof of a carseat for your new baby.

This is also helpful because they can also check if you are securely and properly strapping your baby into the seat. This is EXTREMELY important! If you aren’t sure how to properly do it, read here, or have your nurse check.

Hopefully these tips have helped relieve some stress and gave some labor tips for first time moms out there to be able to enjoy and prepare for your experience.

Amelia Zamora

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