Categories: Life Experiences

Mom Daily Routine to Get Things Done

Do you feel like you don’t have enough time in the day to get everything done? Here is some tough love mama, we all have the same amount of time in the day. It’s all about your mom daily routine in how productive you are with that time.

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I used to be the mom who would try and sleep as late as humanly possible and I would end up so exhausted by the end of the day I would be asleep by 10pm. My mom daily routine was non-existent.

It wasn’t until I got ahold of my routine that I was able to create habits that would promote productivity and in turn, my household ran smoother and my kids actually seemed better behaved.

Because in all honesty, kids thrive on routine and they love knowing what to expect. It gives them a sense of security and control.

Having a mom daily routine schedule can help you also get out of that mental mom fog we all go through.

I have tried many different routines to see what works for my family and I suggest you do the same.

Not every routine is a one size fits all type thing. Each family is different, so every routine will be different.

But if you have zero idea where to start, then here is my mom daily routine of what an average day looks like in my routine to hopefully help you establish yours.

Get Up Early

Now I could do a whole video or post on this, but basically I try and get up before my kids.

Granted my kids are early risers. And I don’t mean 6:30am risers, I mean like 5/5:30am risers! Killer.

Before I created my schedule, I would let them get up and they would play in the living room or watch a show on their tablet before I got up.

Which would give me time to sleep until around 6:30-7am before they were wanting breakfast.

Now, I wake up at 5:30am because I need that “me time” before my day officially starts.

Yes my kids are technically up, but I get up at 5:30 put my gym clothes on and head outside to the garage.

This allows me my me-time before my day starts with school routines and working on my businesses.

That me-time is essential to my mental health and being productive throughout the day.


I used to be that person that hated to workout. I didn’t like to sweat.

I knew the importance of working out for my health and fitness goals, but I just did not have the drive or motivation.

That was until something finally clicked and I watched a YouTube video by Angie Bellemare about goal setting and accomplishing those goals.

I wanted to become more productive and I wanted those goals I had set for myself.

So I knew if I didn’t workout first thing in the morning then it wasn’t going to happen that day.

I decided right then and there that the next day I would wake up at 5:30am and go workout. Zero excuses.

And I’ve been doing it ever since. Yes I do have off days and some days the motivation is hard to find, but I also found that once I created that habit (which took about 2 weeks) that my body loved it.

I found that those days I didn’t workout or I would skip it for whatever reason or event I had, then I just felt sluggish and blah all day long.

Shower & Get Ready

Yes, I could wait until after I dropped my oldest off at school but I realized that I’m usually feeling pretty gross after I workout and I just want to get it out of the way.

Granted I don’t usually wash my hair. Enter dry shampoo and this Verb dry shampoo is the best!

But I will take a quick body shower, get dressed and do my makeup for the day.

I do my makeup because in all honesty, it makes me feel more productive.

Whatever it takes to make you feel more productive, then do it. Who cares! Whatever makes you feel motivated and productive during the day, do it.

School Drop Off & Errands

Now that I am awake, got my workout done, and ready for the day it is time for school drop off.

Usually as soon as I am done with my workout, I will head to the kitchen and get the girls’ breakfast ready and while they are eating I am in the shower.

A mom daily routine isn’t truly mom life until you are constantly multitasking right?

Then after I am done getting ready, I will help my oldest get ready for school.

Then it is off to school with my oldest while my youngest stays home with dad. My husband works nights so this makes drop off easier with just one kid to worry about.

After I drop her off at school, then I will run any errands I need to do.

Granted like I said my husband works nights so he is able to stay home in the mid morning with my youngest so I can run some quick errands without kids in tow. Blessing!

So I will get some grocery shopping done or whatever I need to do errand wise during that time. Granted I don’t always run errands but this is the perfect time for me to go if needed.

Get Home & Get to Work

Now since I am a blogger, I work from home. So once I get home, my husband and I will chat for a little bit and I will spend time with my youngest. Usually they are outside playing by the time I get home.

Once she is done with me and wants to go off and play by herself, I will grab my laptop and get to work.

Now some days she will be really needy and won’t want to play by herself. So there are some days I let her watch a show on the tv or tablet and I will get some work done.

Or if I am feeling that mom guilt we all get, I will spend more time cuddling and playing with her instead of working but in a mom daily routine its all about balance.

Each day is different.

Some times after we are playing, I will put her down for a nap around 9:30am and then I will get some work done while she naps.

School Pick Up

School pick up is noon so I usually round up my youngest (hubby is usually gone for work between 11-12:30) and we go grab sissy from school.

After we do school pick up we sometimes will grab some lunch on the way home depending on the day and what we have going on.

Lunch and Free Play

We get home, eat some lunch, then the girls have some free play.

But before all that, I make my oldest change out of her school clothes. Read why here.

Then after lunch, the kids will play or watch a movie. Usually they are wound up and running around playing like crazy.

While they are having some free play imagination time then I will pull out my phone and reply to comments and emails or post to social media.

Afternoon Nap or Play

Some days I will have my oldest nap after school and lunch, some days I take the girls outside to play depending on the weather.

Either way, I usually will get a bit more work done if she naps and my youngest has some quiet time in the living room.

If we go outside then I just spend that time with them watching them play or coming up with some activity to burn their energy before going back inside.


By then it’s time to start prepping dinner. Now we eat early in our household.

Usually because my kids get hungry early and my husband works nights so we sort of just eat dinner whenever we all get hungry.

So I will get the kids dinner prepped and made and work on something for myself and my husband to have after work.

Granted some days I end up having something super light or not cooking at all and letting the kids have PBJs or cereal for dinner. Balance guys. I’m being real with you all.

Bath & Bedtime

After dinner, I usually help the kids clean up their mess and get them in the bathtub.

After bath it’s getting pjs on and cuddling up on the couch together.

We usually call daddy and say goodnight and we just cuddle up with a movie or read some books and just hang out.

This is the time we just wind down for bed. Sometimes the girls will have a small snack of cheerios before bed too.

Then I put my youngest down for bed around 6:30-7pm. We snuggle in her bed, I turn on the Amazon Echo dot for some white noise and I turn on the diffuser and we say goodnight.

Then I go out and hang out with my oldest for a little bit just us one-on-one before I put her to bed about 30-40 minutes later.

So usually both kids are in bed by 7:30-8pm.

Then my night begins.

After Bedtime Routine

Now after I put both kids to bed then my nighttime routine begins.

I usually will prep for the next day. I will prep my oldest’s school snack for the next day and get her backpack ready for the next day.

I will go lay out my workout clothes for the next 5:30am workout and clothes to wear after the shower.

Doing these things help make the morning run smoother. I will then prep the hot water every night for my husband. He comes home and has tea every night after work so I prep the hot water for him so its ready when he gets home.

I will then get my pajamas on, take off my makeup, wash my face, and head to the couch with my laptop.

Then I will get some major work done. This is usually when I will type out a blog post, catch up on more emails, create content for the next day or weeks ahead. I will plan out the month if I have upcoming things I need scheduled.

I will sit there with my planner and some colored pens and go over or map out my month of social media content and blog posts.

I will batch work some graphics for Pinterest, write back to collaboration emails, etc.

Then I will unplug for the night. I will then take time for myself to wind down.

I will put my laptop away and then I will grab a snack, usually some Halo Top ice cream and put on a show to watch.

I will watch about an hour or so of a show and then head to bed.

If my husband gets off work by the time I am still awake, then I will chat with him for a second before going off to bed.

I am usually laying in bed around 10pm and I try to be asleep by 10:30pm because that 5:30am wakeup call will come very quick.

That is my average mom daily routine. Some days are a bit different but for the most part that is what an average day looks like for me.

Granted, I am not productive all the time. There are days where I am not Susy-HomeMaker and I let my kids have screen time and let them eat junk. There are days I don’t get much work done and I just chill on the couch after I get the kids to bed. So don’t feel bad or pressured to be “perfect” because there is no such thing as a perfect mom.

But a happy mom is perfect mom in your kids eyes. Just remember that.

My mom daily routine is not always perfect, but I try and thats what counts.

Amelia Zamora

Published by
Amelia Zamora

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