Categories: Hacks & Tips

Raising Capable Kids

We love to help our kids. We love to make sure they have everything they need usually by doing it for them. But maybe this isn’t actually helping them in the long run? These are things to try to raise capable kids.

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Raising capable kids starts with realizing your kids are capable.

It starts with remembering that they are growing up (sorry mama) and they can do more things as they get older.

It does NOT have to all fall on you mom!

Having capable kids is truly a blessing though and a much needed task to accomplish to raise them into capable adults. Start them young.

Taking the time to raise capable kids now will allow you to reap the benefits later.

Think about it, if you teach your child to pick up their toys, that’s one less thing on your plate. If you teach them to bathe themselves, that’s one less thing you have to do. If you teach them to make/pick their own snacks, its one less thing you have to stop what you are doing to get.

You get the picture.

And they can do more than you think, vacuum, make beds, dishes, help with laundry, etc. depending on their ages.

Kids Can Help Too!

You can decide what your child is capable of depending on their ages. For our household, my youngest who is almost 3 also helps out.

She will pick up her toys, pick out her clothes, help me dust, help put clothes into the washing machine, and help me make her chocolate milk and even pick her own snacks from our snack bin.

Now my oldest who is almost 5 does everything her sister does but will help me vacuum, she will pick up her own toys, make her bed, make her own snacks and even help cook breakfast.

Having them help with household chores not only teaches them responsibility and they also LOVE helping me do house work and cook. It also lessens the things I have to do throughout the day.

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Yes sometimes them “helping” actually makes more of a mess and takes way longer than if I just did it myself, but if I didn’t let them help, they would rely on me to do everything for them and that can get overwhelming as a mom.

Start Small

Start with simple things like having them pick out their own clothes for the day. Some kids will naturally do this, but let them do it!

Then work your way up to things like picking out their own snacks. We created this “snack bin” for our girls that they can pick any snack they want without having to ask me for it.

This way it teaches them a little independence and lessens your load as well.

Build on It

Once they get the small things down like picking up toys, making their bed (as well as they can), getting dressed, etc. you can work up to bigger things.

Having them help vacuum is a big help. Or even dusting if you aren’t quite ready to let them use the expensive vacuum.

Amazon also has these adorable mini vacuums that actually do suck stuff up so you can help teach them without using your vacuum.

Let Them Help

Not everything you are going to be able to let them go at solo, like cooking.

My girls love to help me cook. Now I started with small things like helping me spread jam on toast or peanut butter on their waffles.

Once they were comfortable with that, my husband had them help make breakfast.

My youngest would scramble the eggs in a bowl and then my oldest would help him stir it around in the pan to make scrambled eggs.

They love helping cook and make things.

The easiest thing to start with is probably baking. Having them help bake is the easiest way to begin the cooking experience.

Making chocolate chip cookies for example. Have everything measured out and prepped beforehand is key. That way they can just pour everything into the bowl and help mix. They love to mix things.

Kids are more capable than they usually are given credit. The first hurdle though is getting over it mentally mama.

You must mentally get over the fact that they “can’t” help when in fact they can. You have to also get over the extra time and possibly mess that may happen when you raise capable kids.

Amelia Zamora

View Comments

  • I am always surprised at how capable kids are from a young age, if we just give them a chance ( and not expect anything too age inappropriate). My daughter has helped with baking forever, though her favourite is the tasting more than the mixing. She’s also finally started to put all her clean laundry away, among other things.

  • I absolutely agree that often times parents think their kids can't do much.
    I also think there is a mentality that we don't want kids to have to work when they are kids because they will be working their whole life. But this backfires and hurts the kids in the long run.

  • My kids have always "helped" in the kitchen during meal prep. Even though at times, it was more work for me, I always welcomed them to help because my dad always let me. But, it has paid off. Now they come home from middle school and make whatever they want to eat. They know their way around the kitchen.

  • I think it's a superb idea to let your kids help with chores around the house as young as possible. It teaches them important things that need in life and most of the time they actually enjoy it! I know that my mom taught me how to do laundry in middle school and it really helped when I moved out on my own at 19. I love the way to present this. Thanks for the great advice!

    • Same! My mom had me doing my own laundry and vacuuming at a young age and it helped me when I went off to college and my friends didn’t know much lol

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