Categories: Hacks & Tips

Simple Yet Productive Mom Morning Routine

When you become a mom, your morning routine may be a little wacky at first until you get the hang of things, then you’ll have a mom morning routine down, but how do you make it productive yet simple?

A mom morning routine does not have to be overcomplicated and long to be productive. You just need a simple morning routine to get your say started right.

First off, I know a bunch of people say to get up before the kids do and if you can, then I highly suggest doing that in order to have uninterrupted productive time.

But I am not that mom. So, if you are anything like me and love sleep more than being productive then this mom morning routine is for you!

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First Stop, the Bathroom

When you first wake up, head to the bathroom and do your business in there first. I always use the facilities, brush my teeth (with my TAO Clean sonic toothbrush), and take my allergy medication (because CA allergies are the worst year round).

I do this before I do anything else! Even handle the kids.

Because I just cant get fully awake without brushing my teeth and it just starts my morning off right. I used to wait until after I ate, but my husband made me a before eating teeth brusher! What are you? Are you a before eating teeth brusher or after eating?

Let me know in the comments because I’m genuinely curious.

Get Kids Situated

Then I head to the kitchen to get the kids all situated. Now my kids wake up before I actually get out of bed and they will go play in the front room or come climb in bed with me and watch a show while mommy actually wakes up.

So they are fully awake, hungry and full of energy before I’ve even had my coffee.

They usually like to help make their breakfast, which is usually a waffle with peanut butter and chocolate milk, so while they are helping me make their breakfast I will put the clean dishes away or switch out a load of laundry

After I get them situated with their food and they get a show with breakfast so mommy can get her coffee ready in peace.

Coffee Time

After I get the kids situated, I have about 30 minutes (maybe) to make my coffee and get myself ready.

I make my coffee, recently I have been loving the Stok Cold Brew coffee with some flavors mixed in but before that this is how I made iced coffee in my Keurig.

Get Dressed & Ready

After I make my coffee, I will go get dressed and ready for the day. Since the kids are just about to finish up their breakfast this gives me enough time to throw on some comfy mom must have clothing items.

Then I come back out to the kitchen and get set up with my computer or phone.

I will quickly respond to emails on my phone, check social media messages and reply to comments while my kids finish up.

Then after breakfast they are usually pretty good about playing by themselves for a little bit. If they are going with the program, then I will take out my laptop and get some work done while they play.

If they are going crazy already this morning then I will take them outside to play in the garage where my husband is usually working out at this point.

Burn Some Energy

If the kids are bursting at the seams with energy or just not getting along nicely, I will take them outside and run them, play with them, have them get some fresh air, anything to chill them out a bit.

My husband will usually work out with my oldest because she loves to run and “workout” with daddy.

My youngest is usually playing in the rocks and dirt or playing in the remote play car pretending to drive it.

Snack Time

After we play I will then bring the girls inside for a snack and some chill time.

This is where the majority of my productivity will come in, in the morning time. I also get most of my stuff done at night after their bedtime.

I get them situated with a snack and favorite show or Disney movie and then bust out my laptop for some “serious” work time now.

Here I can usually get about an hour of work done if they are super into the show.


By now, my husband has come back inside and we do a late breakfast (he works night shifts) around 11 and then he gets ready for work and my youngest will go down for a nap around 11:30-12.

This is when I get my oldest set up with ABCMouse or some educational program on her tablet or I let her continue watching whatever show or movie they had during snack.

Then I get about another hour of work done before my youngest gets up and then its the afternoon play time (which no work gets done around that time).

So there you have it, my mom morning routine. Easy and simple yet productive.

My Advice:

My advice is this: you will not get 4 hour chunks of time during the day unless you have someone come watch your kids or your spouse is home with you to help.

You have to be flexible and be okay and willing to work chunks at a time (block scheduling helps too). Get little tasks done during your smaller chunks of time and save the big projects for when the kids go to bed or you have the extra help.

A mom morning routine can be work-productive and still be a mom at the same time. It is possible, you just have to find out what works best for your family and your work schedule.

For a Mom Nighttime Routine, you can watch my night routine video:

Amelia Zamora

View Comments

  • Love this! It’s a great schedule and it’s defiantly hard to even have a schedule with the kiddos. Thanks for sharing!

    • You are so welcome! Glad to help! And I agree its hard with kids to create and stick to a schedule!

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