Categories: Hacks & Tips

5 Ways to Achieve Your Goals

Achieving your goals can be daunting and maybe even a little exhausting especially if you are a parent. I have learned and tested 5 ways to achieve your goals that will get the ball rolling and get your motivated to start accomplishing those dreams.

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I get it, you are a busy person but those dreams are always lingering in the background. You want 5 ways to achieve your goals and you want it quick.

Whether you want to start working for yourself, get higher in your current job, bring home enough money to bring home your spouse, etc. Whatever the dream is, you can accomplish it and make it happen with some steps.

First let me say, this is not the “get rich quick” advice to make millions in 24 hours and live the life of luxury.

While that sounds great, it’s not realistic.

These are steps you can take no matter what your current job is, even if you are a stay at home mom but want to get those dishes done every night to you can relax in the mornings you can use these steps to get your butt in gear.


Have you ever sat there and thought “I should workout” or “I should finish that project for work”?

Then you get distracted or find some excuse to not do those “shoulds”.

Don’t give yourself that SHOULD option. Make it a MUST!

Changing the way to talk about achieving your goals is one of the best 5 ways to achieve your goals.

If you talk down to yourself, you don’t feel good about yourself right? Well the same applies to your goals and to-dos to accomplish those goals.

If you tell yourself “I should finish that report” instead of ” I MUST finish that report” you may keep procrastinating and putting it off. If you make it a MUST, there is more pressure and urgency to get that report done, right?

The way to speak about your goals is how you will FEEL about them. So make them a MUST instead of a SHOULD.


This advice is old and everyone says it, but I’m not talking about a typical planner here.

I am talking about a planner you will USE EVERY DAY to achieve your goals.

I am obsessed with this planner and if you follow me on Instagram (@mamabearreview) then you already know which planner I am talking about.

The Daily Grind Planner is not your typical planner. It is a goal achieving planner. It gives tangible ways to visualize those goals and put action behind it.

You get 10 spots to write in goals whether it be personal, business related, whatever you want it to be. YOU CREATE IT!

I love it to keep me accountable. Every night I review my goals and actions to how to get one step further to accomplishing those goals daily and I use fun colors to track it. Every month you can reset and set new goals or keep the same ones going. I love that it really is personalized to how YOU want YOUR life to be. Definitely recommend checking out the Daily Grind Instagram page to learn and see more.


No I’m not talking about when food hits the ground. I’m talking about Mel Robbins 5 Second Rule for accomplishing your goals and stop putting things off.

She touches on something that I started using myself for simple every day things and its made a huge difference in the amount of things I get done in one day.

I highly recommend reading or listening to her book, the 5 Second Rule.

I starting using this rule for things I just did not want to do. Its not easy, like I said before this is not a “quick 5 ways to achieve your goals” type post. You will have to put into ACTION these ways.

I used it to stop putting off my workouts. I had a goal to lose weight and tone up, like most moms of small kids have, but I would make excuse after excuse because I didn’t FEEL like doing it. I know I needed to, but I just didn’t feel like it so my brain would start talking me out of it and before I knew it, I was putting off again and again.

So after listening to Mel Robbins talk about how to use the rule, I put it to use. I would have a thought or a “I want to ____” and before I let my brain talk myself out of it because of how I felt, I would count.

5, 4, 3, 2, 1…. GO!

And I would go workout. It gave me that push to action before my brain realized what I was doing.

Sounds crazy right? I thought the same thing until I tried it.

Now I use it for more things, like writing a blog post, making a YouTube video, organizing the kids clothes, cleaning out the closet, etc.

Anything I didn’t feel like doing that day, I would start counting and GO.

I was amazed all the things I got done in one day by taking my feelings and brain out of the equation for a minute.


If you struggle with time getting away from you or you lose track of time on one thing and before you know it, you didn’t get to anything else on your list for the day then this tip is for you.

Set up time blocks for yourself. I talk about time chunks in another blog post but the basic concept is to set up times of the day. Not one hour chunks of time unless that is all that is needed, but set up chunks of time.

For example, if you know you are more of a morning workout person and you are more productive in the mornings, then set up a chunk of time say between 6-9am to workout and get the most important tasks of the day done while you are fresh.

Then use the other chunks of the day for other tasks. Example, take the time between 10-1pm for clean up, lunch, checking emails, etc.

Then use the time chunk between 1-4pm for kids activities, or afternoon projects that aren’t top priority but still need attention, etc. You get my point.

Use time blocks to make sure you get more than one item done that day. Download a blank one I created FREE HERE. And when that time block is up (set timers or alarms for yourself) you move onto the next time block no matter what!

Keeping to a schedule will not only avoid burnout of one task/project, it will make sure you move on and do other things during the day that are just as important to you.


This goes along with the above concept of a “must, not should” mentality, but this is more. This is your whole mindset.

If you are constantly thinking “I can’t”, “I’m too busy”, “no one cares what I think/say/do” then you are NOT in the right mindset to achieve your goals and dreams. You, my dear, are a negative Nancy.

STOP putting yourself down.

STOP thinking negatively about yourself

STOP relying on someone else to fix your life

STOP giving yourself excuses to not do the thing you desire to do

START giving yourself grace and room to make mistakes and learn from those mistakes to keep pushing forward and start achieving those goals no matter how big or small.

Changing your mindset, while definitely not easy, will be worth it. Because once you start to think positively about the things you can do, even in one given day, you will get a boost of confidence to realize, “I CAN do those things” and this will push the momentum forward and get that ball rolling to keep going and keep pushing.

Mindset is everything. What you tell yourself matters. So be kind to yourself and give yourself room to be positive and have a positive mindset and attitude.

Whether that is giving yourself 10 minutes in the morning to meditate and get your mindset right, or giving yourself positive affirmations during the day to keep you positive and going.

Whatever you have to do to keep yourself in that positive and receptive mindset, you will find the other 5 ways to achieve your goals above easier to start and that will give the best results in the end.

Amelia Zamora

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